Visit Us
135 Columbus Ave.
New York, NY 10023
Gallery Hours
Tuesday- Saturday: 11am - 7pm
Sunday: 11am-3pm (closed Mondays)
Thank you
The Center Gallery wishes to thank Roy and Carol Christensen; and Samuel S. and Diane P. Stewart for their sponsorship of the gallery. Exhibitions are made possible by donors to the Center for Latter-day Saint Arts.
Your donation matters
The Center Gallery and Center for Latter-day Saint Arts are non-commercial, non-profit organizations and seek to be a benefit to their communities. They are run entirely by volunteers. Your contribution is valuable to sustaining the Center’s efforts to tell the more global story of the Latter-day Saints through the arts.

Contact us.
Please reach out with questions regarding the Center Gallery or Center for Latter-day Saint Arts. We genuinely value your opinion and your patronage.